Monday, May 2, 2011

Saturday 30 May Walk & Run Club Lap Splits

Well done to those of you pushing on with our Saturday morning walks and runs despite the cooling temperatures. If you have not been making it along to the walk & run club recently we encourage you to do so in preparation for our 2 cardio events closing in - firstly the Kokoda Challenge Brisbane and secondly the Bridge to Brisbane. Hope to see more of you there over the coming weeks.

Dave: (7 laps) 5:50, 11.30, 17.05, 22.30, 28.30, 34.20, 40.20
Jane: (5 laps) 6.51, 13.57, 21.16, 28.30, 35.46
Margie: (4 laps) 9.57, 20.02, 30.30, 40.36
Lisa: (4 laps)

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