Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Overdue Kokoda Challenge Waivers

There are still a few people who have outstanding waivers that are due in order to take part in the Kokoda Challenge Brisbane this coming Sunday 29 May. If you have not completed and returned this waiver could you please do so immediately. It can be faxed, emailed or mailed back.

This waiver can be downloaded here: https://www.kokodachallenge.com/files/waiver_indemnity_bkc_180411_1003.pdf.

The course map can be downloaded here: https://www.kokodachallenge.com/files/brisbane_kc_map_raw_amended_12_april.jpg.

Looking forward to a great day and some great feedback to encourage a larger Drive Fitness team showing next year. All the best to all 17 Drive Fitness participants - see you at the finish line!

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