Sunday, June 26, 2011

Well Done to Brissie to the Bay Participants from Drive Fitness

Well done to everyone who paticipated in the Brissie to the Bay ride today! We would love to find out how you went so please post your time to the comments section of this post to let everyone know!

Drive Fitness is always happy to sponsor our clients so please send us your fundraiser details in the future if you participate in fundraiser fitness events.

1 comment:

  1. I entered the 100km ride. The first 50km i completed in 1hr and 40min :-D a very big PB for me. The 2nd 50km was not as good, all up i completed the ride in 3hrs and 50 min. Big congrats to everyone who completed the course!! Some of you may agree with me when i say this has been the hardest Brissie to the Bay so far - somehow they managed to work more hills into the program... Not fun at all hehe :) Debs
