Thursday, June 2, 2011

Drive Fitness Team Singlets For Bridge to Brisbane 2011

Drive Fitness will be making its first ever official team singlet available this year for the 2011 Bridge to Brisbane event. Singlets will cost between $30 and $35 with price to be confirmed over the next week as the singlet design is finalised.

Singlets are being sold at no profit with the intention to have as many Drive Fitness Bridge to Brisbane team members in team singlets as possible. Our team singlets are being designed and produced by Kooga who is responsible for the team wear of a number of professional sporting teams. These singlets will be very comfortable, specifically intended for exercise and a great option for your personal training, boot camp and walk and run club sessions.

If you would like to order your Drive Fitness team singlet please let us know your size within the next 2 weeks. Male and female designs will both be available. You can order your singlet size by emailing us at

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