Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Order Your Drive Fitness Team Singlet by Monday 20 June

Drive Fitness team singlets must be ordered by Monday 20 June (next week). Team singlets will be $30.00 and sold at no profit to Drive Fitness clients in an effort to get as many people on the Drive Fitness team wearing the singlet as possible. We will be ordering a range of sizes but to ensure your size is available you will have to confirm your order with David by email (dave@drivefitness.net) or phone (0402 358 127).

Drive Fitness team singlets are being designed by Kooga. Kooga is responsble for the teamwear of a number of professional sporting teams including the Brisbane Lions. As well as being a great option for the Bridge to Brisbane event Drive Fitness team singlets will be suitable for personal training, boot camp and walk & run club sessions.

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