Monday, March 7, 2011

Top 6 tips for getting the most out of your personal training session

When you pay for a service you expect value - your personal training session is no exception. Getting the best value out of your personal training session is in your hands, here are my top 6 tips for getting the most out of it.

1. Arrive early & warm up
Getting the most out of your personal training session means fitting it all in. Aim to arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled session time and work through 3-5 minutes of continuous activity such as skipping, walking, jogging, rowing or cycling, followed by some light static stretching of the major muscle groups including thighs, chest, back and shoulders. This will allow the actual session time to be used for your set training program not things you can do on your own.

2. Eat appropriately
Eating before your personal training session is important for maintaining an appropriate training intensity from start to finish. The time it takes for a meal to digest is different for everyone but eating 2-4 hours before your personal training session is usually tolerated well. The pre training meal should consist of unprocessed / minimally processed sources of carbohydrate, some protein and low fat. Eating another smaller snack 30 minutes - 2 hours before your session can help to give you some extra energy. This smaller meal should consist of unprocessed / minimally processed carbohydrate. Remember that eating before training is very individual, find a timing arrangement that is comfortable for you but don't miss your pre training meal completely.

3. Stay hydrated
To get the most out of your personal training session you need to be able to perform at your best. Your training performance will be significantly reduced if you are not well hydrated before and during your personal training session. Drink fluids frequently during the day, drink approximately 400-600ml of fluid in the 2-3 hours leading up to exercise and approximately 200-300ml of fluid in the 15-30min immediately before exercise. During exercise drink approximately 200-300ml of fluid every 15mins, remember to have quick drinks between sets or in rest periods. 

4. Get adequate sleep the night before
This is pretty common sense, being awake and alert will help you learn new techniques more easily and ensure you have the energy to train hard from start to finish. Your personal trainer will understand if you turn up tired occasionally, this is to be expected, but aiming for 6-8 hours of sleep per night is recommended and will be of particular benefit for getting the most out of your training session.

5. Mentally prepare
When you arrive for your personal training session be mentally prepared to work hard and be challenged! Focus on your results and the feeling of success when you achieve your goals and remember how great you felt after you finished your last hard training session. If you are mentally prepared you will welcome the challenge of heavier weights, higher intensities and more advanced exercises instead of being discouraged. It's your personal trainer's responsibility and commit to you to get the most out of your personal training session. Work with your trainer not against them and be ready to push yourself.

6. Keep active
Keeping active between sessions will not only help you achieve your goals faster but it will help you get the most out of your personal training sessions. Improving your fitness outside of your personal training sessions will mean you are able achieve more during them. Aim to achieve 30 minutes of activity on most days of the week (4-7 days per week), for example if you are training once per week with your personal trainer aim for activity outside of personal training on at least 3 days before your next session. Keeping active can be as easy as a jog around the block, social sport, walking the dog or a body weight training program at home - it's up to you!

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