Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bench Press Challenge Scoring System

The Drive Fitness Bench Press Challenge is just over 2 weeks away. With 71 confirmed participants the 4 Annual 2011 Bench Press Challenge is the 2nd largest Drive Fitness function ever, only outdone by the 2010 Christmas Party.

We have introduced the scoring system below so everyone is familiar with the calculations. The Drive Fitness Bench Press Challenge is a relative competition, meaning that each participants score is relative to their body weight on the day. Individual scores are calculated as follows:

  • biggest lift (kg) / body weight (kg) = relative score
For example If someone weighs in at 90kg on the day and their biggest lift for 1 rep is 100kg
  • 100kg (biggest lift) / 90kg (body weight) = 1.111 relative score

This formula demonstrates that lighter you are and more you lift, better your relative score will be. The team scores are calculated as follows:

  • (participant 1 relative score) + (participant 2 relative score) + (participant 3 relative score) ...... = total team score

Each participant's relative score is added together to achieve the total team score. The team score is therefore strongly influenced by the number of competitors in each team. This rewards teams that got involved with large numbers and gives their team a significant advantage in the team challenge scoring.

Despite the individual and team challenges the main focus of the Bench Press Challenge is to acknowledge everyone's fitness improvements and have some fun.

Looking forward to see you all there!

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