Friday, March 11, 2011

Bench Press Teams Announced

The Drive Fitness Bench Press teams have been finalised. The official team lists have been posted on the notice boards at the Drive Fitness training studios - check them out next time you are in. Lisa is looking strong with the largest ladies team, whereas David has the largest team of male competitors. Tim has a well balanced line up with the second biggest team of both ladies and men. Jared and Theo may have less team participants however they should not be underestimated.

The total number of Drive Fitness entrants in the 2011 4th Annual Bench Press Challenge has reached 71! 41 ladies and 30 men will give it their best on Saturday the 2nd of April. This is a great turn out and we are all looking forward to a fun social event with a bit of competition included.

We encourage everyone to continue training hard over the last remaining 3 weeks. The scoring system for both individual and team scores will be outlined here over the coming weeks.

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