Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Write a Google Review about Drive Fitness

We would greatly appreciate you writing a review on Google about your experience with Drive Fitness. Your review will help tell other people about us and what to expect from training with Drive Fitness. You can write a review about your persoanl training, boot camp or walk & run club experience - any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

You can write a Google review by following these 3 easy steps:

1. goto and search 'drive fitness'

2. click on the 'place page' link for your drive fitness studio in the search results (see red arrow in the image below)

3. scroll down and click 'rate and review' and leave your comments (see red arrow in image below)

Thank you. We really appreciate it!

Monday, March 28, 2011

2011 Bench Press Challenge

The 2011 Bench Press Challenge will take place this coming Saturday on April 2. We have been counting down to the 4th Annual Drive Fitness Bench Press Challenge since the start of the year and we cannot wait to see every one's great results!

The details are as follows:

The Bench Press Challenge will be taking place at the NEW Seven Hills Drive Fitness. The address is shop 2 / 6 The Corso, Seven Hills.

View Seven Hills Studio in a larger map

Ladies weigh in commences at 8:45am with lifting to begin from 9:00am. Men will weigh in at 10:00am to commence lifting from 10:15am. We will be running on a strict schedule so will require everyone to be running on time. Please arrive early so we can make sure we do not fall behind schedule. Morning tea will be running throughout the morning with medal presentations taking place following both the lady's and men's events.

Team colours have been announced:
  • Team Tim is wearing black
  • Team Lisa is wearing blue
  • Team Jared & Theo is wearing white
  • Team David is wearing red
Please wear something representing your team colours! Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Walk & Run Club Lap Splits Saturday 26 March

Well done to everyone who made it along to our last Tarragindi Walk & Run Club for a while. Everyone has shown great improvement over the last 4-5 weeks.

Next week the Walk & Run Club will take a break due to the 2011 Bench Press Challenge and return the following week meeting at the Mt Gravatt studio. I think everyone is looking forward to change in walking/running course.

Lap splits are posted below.

Dave: (7 laps): 7.09, 14.07, 20;40, 27.40, 34.51, 40.16, 49.30
Grant: (5 laps) 5.55, 13.10, 20.34, 29.10, 36.46
Aveen: (3 laps) 12.21, 25.25, 38.01
Michellte: (6 laps) 7.26, 15.40, 24.14, 32.56, 41.40, 49.51
Peter B: (6 laps) 6.55, 14.27, 21.48, 29.37, 37.25, 44.35
John M: (6 laps) 6.56, 14.00, 21.10, 28.07, 35.05, 42.33
Alex: (4 laps) 7.09, 16.18, 27.40, 37.20
Jane H: (4 laps) .7.22, 15.34, 24.29, 37.20
Ross: (6 laps) 6.56, 14.44, 23.20, 32.30, 41.32, 49.25
Margie: (3 laps) 10.43, 21.58, 33.55

See you all in two weeks time. Keep up some walking/running in your own time if possible.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Last Walk & Run Club at Tarragindi

This Saturday will be our last Walk & Run Club session at Tarragindi before returning to our Mt Gravatt lap. Wet weather kept last Saturday's group numbers down so this week we will return to our regular Tarragindi 1.1km loop to give everyone a last chance at improving either their distance or time.

We look forward to seeing everyone there for a big turn out at our last visit to the Tarragindi lap for a while.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

David's 5 favourites: training equipment

I am often asked by clients and other personal trainers what equipment I use for my own individual training. They are surprised to learn that I have not used a 'gym resistance machine' as part of my set training program for years and that most of my training is performed using a very basic range of equipment. With a different exercise machine arriving in your typical commercial gym each month claiming to be better than the one before it, it is often difficult to work out what the best way to train is and what equipment you should be using. It is important that everyone realises that you do not need the latest ab machine to get great fitness results. In fact, the most basic movements that allow the body to move freely with full range are the best for promoting flexibility, functional strength, muscle recruitment, stability and greater energy expenditure.

Anyone that trains with me will probably be able to have a good guess at what my 5 favourite training equipment pieces are. These 5 are not just my favourite for my own personal use, but also for getting results for clients. My clients have (in most cases) come to appreciate and even enjoy these training tools as much as I have. In no specific order I have listed my favourite 5 below and why they make the list!

Monday, March 21, 2011

2011 Bridge to Brisbane Date Announced

Sunday September 11 2011 is the date of this years Bridge to Brisbane event.

Each year Drive Fitness enters a team in the 10km Bridge to Brisbane fun run event. 2011 will be our 3rd year! The Bridge to Brisbane is a great opportunity for everyone to see their fitness improvements over the last 12 months and enjoy some exercise in a social setting.

We make it as easy as possible for everyone to be involved in the Bridge to Brisbane as part of the Drive Fitness Team.
  • We provide all the paperwork for you to register at your Drive Fitness training studio.
  • We enter your details in to the Bridge to Brisbane event and our Drive Fitness Team
  • We pick up your race pack and have it available for you on race day
  • We provide transport to and from the Bridge to Brisbane event for the Drive Fitness team in our own private buses
  • We provide a post race sausage sizzle at the Drive Fitness training studio
We encourage everyone of all fitness levels to join the Drive Fitness Bridge to Brisbane Team. We would like to have a team that includes walkers, great runners and everything in between.

Our Walk & Run Club sessions provide a great training option to prepare for the Bridge to Brisbane event. Don't leave your training to the last minute, get started NOW!

Walk & Run Club Lap Times March 19

Wet weather kept numbers down last Saturday. Well done to everyone that turned up despite the damp conditions. Just as a reminder, we will announce Walk & Run Club cancellations in this news blog and on facebook and twitter either on the evening before or the morning of the session. If you do not see a cancellation message here, then the session is going ahead as per normal.

Lap splits are posted below:
Jane: (4 laps) 7.57, 16.57, 25.59, 35.34
Rebecca: (4 laps) 8.24, 17.28, 26.57, 36.34
Peter: (4 laps) 8.33, 17.30, 26.21, 35.46
Nate: (4 laps) 6.26, 13.45, 21.50, 33.10
Rachael: (4 laps) 7.09, 15.36, 26.23, 33.15

Tip: To make it easier to compare your Walk & Run Club lap splits click the Walk & Run Club news category on the right. This will limit posts to Walk & Run Club related posts only and make them easier to compare.

Team Theo & Team Jared Combine for 2011 Bench Press Challenge

It was officially announced earlier today that the bench press teams of personal trainers Jared and Theo will combine for the 2011 Bench Press Challenge on April 2. With this merger the new team of Jared & Theo will have comparable team sizes to the other teams of Tim, Lisa and David.

This team merger may present problems for the other teams with this new combination looking capable of causing upsets on the day. We are all eagerly looking forward to April 2 to find out which teams will take out the Ladies and Men Team Challenges.

Less than 3 weeks to go!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Meet our Personal Training Team: Theo Papamanolis

Drive Fitness will be introducing 'The Team' with a bit of information about their interests, training goals and motivation for entering the fitness industry as a personal trainer. We will introduce a different trainer each month starting with Theo.
Theo Papamanolis is the latest trainer to join the Drive Fitness team. Based at the new Seven Hills studio, Theo has over 10 years of personal experience in resistance and cardio training. His personal fitness goals are muscle gain and aerobic fitness. Some of the sports Theo enjoys include swimming, tennis and squash, with more adventurous activities including indoor rock-climbing and surfing. That’s not to say he’s an expert – standing up on the board is still a massive achievement!
Prior to Theo’s time as a personal trainer, he completed a Bachelor of Business at QUT and spent three and a half years working within a marketing role at one of Australia’s largest takeaway food franchises. It was there that Theo fully realised the challenges facing everyday people in terms of achieving a healthy work-life balance. The sedentary nature of working in front of a computer all day, combined with frequent twelve-hour work days, tempting foods from numerous meetings and morning teas, as well as a lack of perceived mental and physical energy at the end of the day had the ability to take its toll and act as barriers to his fitness goals. However, Theo made fitness his priority and found time – every lunch break – to fit in his workout.
It is now Theo’s goal to help others break through the perceived barriers and achieve their own fitness goals. Specialising in general weight loss and overall aerobic fitness, Theo likes to keep workouts fun yet challenging, with a combination of resistance and cardio exercises and a specific interest in boxing.
Check back next month to get to know Drive Fitness personal trainer Tim a bit better!

Bench Press Challenge Scoring System

The Drive Fitness Bench Press Challenge is just over 2 weeks away. With 71 confirmed participants the 4 Annual 2011 Bench Press Challenge is the 2nd largest Drive Fitness function ever, only outdone by the 2010 Christmas Party.

We have introduced the scoring system below so everyone is familiar with the calculations. The Drive Fitness Bench Press Challenge is a relative competition, meaning that each participants score is relative to their body weight on the day. Individual scores are calculated as follows:

  • biggest lift (kg) / body weight (kg) = relative score
For example If someone weighs in at 90kg on the day and their biggest lift for 1 rep is 100kg
  • 100kg (biggest lift) / 90kg (body weight) = 1.111 relative score

This formula demonstrates that lighter you are and more you lift, better your relative score will be. The team scores are calculated as follows:

  • (participant 1 relative score) + (participant 2 relative score) + (participant 3 relative score) ...... = total team score

Each participant's relative score is added together to achieve the total team score. The team score is therefore strongly influenced by the number of competitors in each team. This rewards teams that got involved with large numbers and gives their team a significant advantage in the team challenge scoring.

Despite the individual and team challenges the main focus of the Bench Press Challenge is to acknowledge everyone's fitness improvements and have some fun.

Looking forward to see you all there!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Kettlebells Have Arrived at Tarragindi

We are happy to announce that the Tarragindi training studio has now introduced kettlebells. Drive Fitness personal trainers are qualified and practiced at instructing kettlebell exercises and we are looking forward to putting everyone through a kettlebell workout at some point soon.

The Tarragindi training studio will serve as a 'test studio' to see how kettlebell training is received by clients. If the feedback is good (and we expect it will be) you can expect kettlebells to be rolled out to your Drive Fitness studio soon. If you train at Mt Gravatt or Seven Hills and can't wait to have kettlebells at your training studio please let us know and we will get them there as fast as possible!

Kettlebells serve as a great alternative to traditional weight training and they provide a great stability,core strength and power workout. They are also very easily incorporated into circuits and cardiovascular training sessions. We hope you enjoy something different!

Walk & Run Club Results March 12

Phill 7.10 14.56 23.37 33.47 42.55
Jo 8.20 17.40 27.20 38.24
John 6.46 13.28 20.46 28.39 37.27 45.45
Michelle 7.17 15.06 23.26 32.24 42.00
Peter 7.05 14.22 22.20 30.20 38.40 46.00
Aveen 12.38 25.33 39.39
Andy 5.29 11.17 17.30 24.20
Jane 7.46 15.54 25.10 35.00 45.40
Stew 7.00 15.22 25.25
Ross 7.32 15.10 24.20 33.22 41.56
Helen 12.27 24.56 37.00
Rachael 7.20 16.38 26.35 38.30
Nate 5.23 12.06 19.18 31.00 42.50
Dave 7.32 13.35 19.10 26.20 34.30 44.00
Rebecca 8.03 17.17 27.00 36.06

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nutrition for your Joints - Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM & Fish Oils

Our supplement order of joint formula complex and fish oil has finally arrived and is now available in Drive Fitness studios. These are our most popular supplements second only to protein.

Our joint formula complex containts:
  • Glucosamine Sulfate (as glucosamine sulfate potassium) 1500mg
  • Chondroitin Sulfate (as chondroitin sulfate sodium) 1200mg
  • MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) 1200mg
All three of these components combine to assist with joint pain, function and repair.
  • Glucosamine is a precursor for the production of the major components of joint cartilage in the body. Supplemental glucosamine therefore may help to prevent cartilage degeneration and treat arthritis.
  • Chondroitin sulfate is an important structural component of cartilage. It is suggested that dietary intake of chondroitin may therefore promote the repair of cartilage in the body. Chondroitin has also been found to have an anti-inflammatory affect which may help reduce joint pain and improve joint function.
  • MSM is an organic source of sulfur which is widely utilised by the body in the formation of connective tissue. It may help give relief from joint pain and inflammation.
Our fish oil supplements are now also available again and may further assist with reducing joint inflammation.

If you would like more information about nutrition supplements and how they can assist with your joint health please talk to your trainer.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bench Press Teams Announced

The Drive Fitness Bench Press teams have been finalised. The official team lists have been posted on the notice boards at the Drive Fitness training studios - check them out next time you are in. Lisa is looking strong with the largest ladies team, whereas David has the largest team of male competitors. Tim has a well balanced line up with the second biggest team of both ladies and men. Jared and Theo may have less team participants however they should not be underestimated.

The total number of Drive Fitness entrants in the 2011 4th Annual Bench Press Challenge has reached 71! 41 ladies and 30 men will give it their best on Saturday the 2nd of April. This is a great turn out and we are all looking forward to a fun social event with a bit of competition included.

We encourage everyone to continue training hard over the last remaining 3 weeks. The scoring system for both individual and team scores will be outlined here over the coming weeks.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Top 6 tips for getting the most out of your personal training session

When you pay for a service you expect value - your personal training session is no exception. Getting the best value out of your personal training session is in your hands, here are my top 6 tips for getting the most out of it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Walk & Run Club Cancelled Sat 5 March

Due to wet weather forecasts for tonight and tomorrow morning we are forced to cancel tomorrow mornings Walk & Run Club session.We apologise for any inconvenience and encourage you to get your own walk or run in tomorrow at some stage if it clears up. We need to take safety precautions when organising group runs so we apologise for being over cautious on occasions.

We will always go ahead with Walk & Run Club sessions where possible.

In the future, Walk & Run Club cancellations will be communicated via this blog, facebook and the Walk & Run Club page on the website (SMS cancellations will stop). Please check this blog or our facebook page the Friday night before, or the Saturday morning of the Walk & Run Club session if you are unsure about the weather.

Hope to see you all there next Saturday. Our Tarragindi walk and runs will be extended one week to make up for tomorrow.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prostar Whey Protein 20% OFF in Drive Fitness Studios!

We are clearing the existing stock of 100% Whey Prostar Protein powder from our training studios with a 20% off special. For $47.00 you get 30 serves ($1.56 per serve).

Protein is important for stabilising insulin levels, muscle recovery post work out and weight loss. Protein shakes are a great replacement for a snack during the day providing just 120cal (500kj) per serve and less than 2 grams of fat. For more information on why protein is important for you and your training have a chat to your personal trainer next session.

Prostar Whey protein is great tasting, it mixes completely in both water and milk and provides 25 grams of protein per serve. Limited stock remaining at this price.

Moorooka Boot Camp Iron Man & Iron Woman Results (10 February 2011)

(Backdated from February boot camp)
Well done to everyone who came along this morning and put in a huge effort. Please find below your results.

Iron Man & Iron Woman Workout:

800m run, 50 pushups, 50 squats, 50 situps, 10 chin ups, 100 step ups, 25 leg raises, 15 burpees, 50 lunges,50 mountain climbers, 50 deadlifts. (100m run bewteen each exercise), 30 mins only.

Iron Man & Iron Woman Results:

·         Sam  1 full set (-5 deadlifts)
·         Bianca 1 full set + 10 body rows
·         Damien 1 full set
·         Carla 1 full set (deadlifts)
·         Stephen 1 full set + 20 pushups
Enjoy your weekends guys and I'll see you all next Tuesday!

Tim Wildin

Moorooka & Camp Hill boot camp fitness test results

Camp Hill Boot Camp Fitness Test Results (28/2/11)


Moorooka Boot Camp Fitness Test Results (1/3/11)


Well done to everyone who participated in the boot camp fitness testing. The re-testing will take place in week six to gauge the progression of everyone’s fitness levels.
Keep up the good work!
Tim Wildin

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bench press challenge 2008 to now

Entries closed for the 4th Annual 2011 Drive Fitness Bench Press Challenge on Friday 25 February. We are now within 5 weeks of competition day and from all reports everyone's training is going great. This year we will see the most participants to compete in a Drive Fitness Bench Press Challenge ever with an estimated 50 competitors taking to the flat bench.

On the 31st May 2008 the first ever Drive Fitness Challenge was hosted by the Tarragindi studio (the only Drive Fitness studio at the time) with a total of 7 male and 4 female competitors. With a return to the Tarragindi studio in 2009 we saw the field grow to 9 male and 10 female participants, with more female than male competitors remaining a trend right up till this years competition. 2009 was also the first ever Trainer Team Challenge with Team David winning the title. The 2010 competition was hosted by the Mt Gravatt studio and  once again we witnessed an increase in participation with 15 men and 20 ladies giving it there best.on the bench press.

Now in 2011, the new Seven Hills studio will host our 4th and biggest Bench Press Challenge. The Trainer Team Challenge returns this year and David has been very vocal about intending to win the team challenge for a second time, will he and his team be successful? With the biggest lift and best relative score growing in both male and female divisions every year so far, will we see these results continue to improve in 2011? Will we see a new male champion after having the same winner in the men's division for the last three years? We will see a record broken by having the same female champion two years in a row? Could this be the first year that the trainers are outlifted by participants? So many questions all answered on 2 April 2011.