Thursday, April 5, 2012

BIG Boot Camp News: Afternoon Sessions Coming to Holland Park Soon!

We will be introducing afternoon boot camp sessions at our Holland Park boot camp location (Glindemann Park, Logan Rd) from Monday 16 April. Holland Park afternoon boot camp sessions will take place Monday & Wednesday afternoons 5-6pm. These sessions are available to existing boot campers and we welcome any new people who were previously unable to make our early morning sessions.

The full Holland Park boot camp schedule will be as follows:
Monday: 5-6pm
Tuesday: 5:30-6:30am
Wednesday: 5-6pm
Thursday: 5:30-6:30am
Saturday: 7-8am (Run Club - FREE session for everyone who trains at Drive Fitness)

If you would like to enlist in these new afternoon boot camp sessions or find out more about our Holland Park boot camp please contact Dave on 0402 358 127 or

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