Friday, April 20, 2012

The Bench Press Challenge: 2008 - Present

The 2012 bench press challenge is nearly here! The 19 May will mark the 5th year that the Drive Fitness community has come together to support each other in the bench press challenge.

On the 31st of May 2008 the bench press challenge kicked off for the first time with a whopping total of 11 lifters. 2009 saw the field grow to 19 and then again in 2010 to 35. 2011 set a Drive Fitness event attendance record at the time (with exception of the Christmas party) with a total of 49 lifters. We hope to see this trend continue in 2012.

The field always has a mix of men and women and beginner and advanced lifters. The atmosphere is always supportive and we make it as comfortable as lifting in front of a group of people can be. The atmosphere always helps people lift to their best ability and we see many personal best efforts achieved at the event.

If you have never been apart of our bench press challenge before I would just like to encourage you to give it a go! You can register at your Drive Fitness studio up to Friday 11 May . Chat to your trainer or contact Dave on 0402 358 127 for more information. See you there!

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