Monday, January 16, 2012

Walk & Run Club Saturday 21 Jan

We had a great turn out for our first walk & run club of 2012 on Saturday just gone. Everyone did well to brush off the cobwebs and get back into it. We did a 6km track from the Tarragindi studio through Toohey Forest to Griffith Uni Nathan Campus and back again. Some people worked up some extra distance with double backs and others worked a bit less by cutting the track a bit short.

This week we will be meeting at Tarragindi again at the same time 7am.

We will be having our first beep test of 2012 in the next few weeks - stay tuned for details while we wait to confirm a location. We also have the upcoming Twilight Run on March 18. Follow this link for more Twilight Run information and instructions on how to register:

Looking forward to running with everyone this Saturday. See you there!

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