Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Medicine Ball Workout 1

Warm Up

  • 5min low-moderate intensity continuous walking, running, riding, skipping or rowing
  • 5min stretching

Complete 3 Rounds

  • 1min Wood Chop
  • 1min X Chop (left to right)
  • 1min Standing Twist
  • 1min X Chop (right to left)
  • 1min Wood Chop
  • 1min Rest

*Rest as required to maintain correct technique throughout the work period
*Progress by increasing the weight of the medicine ball & taking less rest during the work period

 Cool Down

  • 5min low-moderate intensity continuous walking, running, riding, skipping or rowing
  • 5min stretching or foam roller self massage

Wood Chop

Standing Twist

X Chop Left to Right

X Chop Right to Left

Drive Fitness |
personal training & group training in Brisbane

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