Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Are You Meeting Your Protein Requirements?

Meeting your protein requirements is absolutely necessary for growth and repair of all body tissues. Inadequate intake will prevent or delay recovery from exercise, limit the recovery, growth and maintenance of muscle mass, reduce energy levels, inhibit training and sport performance and increase the risk of injury from over training. Are you meeting your protein requirements? Find out how much protein you need & what foods are high in protein...

How much protein do I need?
Daily protein requirements for healthy adults varies depending on the type, amount and intensity of exercise:
  • 1g per kg of body weight per day for general regular exercise defined as 1-3 days per week of light to moderate exercise
  • 1.2-1.6g per kg of body weight per day for endurance and strength training defined as 3-5 days per week of moderate to hard exercise
  • 1.6-2.0g per kg of body weight per day for heavy endurance & strength training programs defined as 5-7 days per week of moderate to hard exercise.

What foods contain protein?
Protein is found is a variety of different foods. These foods are considered high protein sources.
  • Dairy foods contain approximately 10g of protein per serve (250ml milk, 200g yogurt, 40g cheese):
  • Meat, fish & poultry contain approximately 10g of protein per serve (40g)
  • Eggs contain approximately 6 g of protein per serve (1 egg)
  • Beans & legumes contain approximately 6-10g of protein per serve (1/2 cup)
  • Nuts contain approximately 4-6g of protein per serve (30g)

Don't rely on a single food group for all your protein requirements. Consuming a variety of high protein foods provides your body with different types of protein and helps meet requirements of other vitamins and minerals.

How often should I eat protein?
Consuming regular meals containing protein spread as evenly as possible throughout the day (3 meals and 2-3 snacks every 2-3 hours) is the best way to meet your protein requirements.

What about protein supplements?
If you are at risk of not achieving adequate protein intake due to elevated requirements from exercise a protein supplement may be required. The typical protein shake or bar provides between 20-30g of protein per serve so will effectively help to boost daily protein intake. The large majority of your daily requirements should come from whole foods (mentioned above), not supplements. Eating a diet that meets protein requirements does not imply a 'high protein diet'. A balanced intake of protein, carbohydrate and fat is best and excessively exceeding your daily protein requirements is unnecessary and potentially harmful.

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