Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Weight Loss Challenge Week 5 Update

*The Top 10 Leader Board will only be posted up to week 6 (next week). Following that results will be kept secret until week 8 at the official presentation at the Christmas Part on Friday 2 November. Don't miss our biggest Christmas Party yet! Click here for more Christmas Party details.

*Please note changes to the seminar schedule - this Thursday 18 October at 7:30pm will be the last seminar focusing on nutrition and exercise to maximise metabolism for weight loss, presented by David Eggins (Personal Trainer & Dietitian). 

*Please note changes to the boot camp schedule - next Saturday 27 October the only boot camp session will now be at 6-6:45am to allow participation in the Dead Lift Challenge (commencing at 7am) for those interested. Click here for more Dead Lift Challenge details.

Top 10 Leader Board at @ Week 5 (Week Finishing Sunday 14 October)
  1. Dave S: 7.8%
  2. Stef B: 7.6%
  3. Ross W: 7.2%
  4. Josh C: 6.8%
  5. Jannah T: 5.3%
  6. Kirsty B: 5.3%
  7. Andy H: 4.6%
  8. Craig M: 4.1%
  9. Michelle Be: 4.1%
  10. Deanna L: 4.0%

Upcoming Weight Loss Challenge Events

  • Thursday 18 October: Maximising Your Metabolism For Long Term Weight Control Seminar @ Drive Fitness Tarragindi 7:30pm Presented by David (last seminar of the weight loss challenge)
  • Saturday 20 October: Boot Camp @ Glindemann Park, Logan Rd, Holland Park 6:30am, 7:30am & 8:30am.
  • Saturday 27 October: Boot Camp @ Glindemann Park, Logan Rd, Holland Park 6:00am ONLY due to Dead Lift Challenge commencing at 7am.

"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily"

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