Sunday, November 20, 2011

Christmas Party 2011 - All done for another year!

We had a great time! We hope you did too. As so many of you know the Drive Fitness Christmas Party is the highlight of my year. It reminds me of how far Drive Fitness has come since 2007, it gives me (and the other trainers) an opportunity to meet people from the other studios for the first time and it's our opportunity as a personal training team to truly celebrate and recognise the results and hard work that everyone has put in during the year.

We would like to thank everyone for coming, it was a huge turn out. We had over 170 people on our guest list which is 100 more than last year! I would just like to mention that the music volume on the night was much louder then we expected and we apologise if this made mingling difficult. This is something that has already been taken into consideration for next year and we have already put a poll up on facebook asking for suggestions for next years venue -  head to our facebook page to have your say (

A BIG congratulations to our 2011 Best Results winners Emmanuel and Tania and Trainer's Pick winners Amanda, Donna, Damien, Mandy, Suzie, Joe and Jo. Every year deciding award winners gets harder and harder!

We were very impressed that the fitness related prizes were the first to go in our raffle, the foam rollers and medicine ball didn't last long! Thank you to Sovereign Homes and Instyle with TM for sponsoring our Christmas Party with prizes for our raffle. Looking forward to another great party next year already!

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