Friday, November 25, 2011

10 tips for surviving the Christmas party season

Surviving the Christmas and New Years period with no or minimal damage to the waistline is near impossible. With high energy food options available in plenty and a social relaxed atmosphere that encourages drinking and over eating, the 'Christmas and New Years Party' is a dieters worst nightmare. Now, I'm not suggesting that you cancel all Christmas parties but there are some easy tips that may help damage control during the party season.

1. Have a realistic goal
Set a weight goal to keep you accountable - make sure it's realistic. Losing weight during the Christmas and New Years period may not be an option but aiming to maintain weight or only gain 1-2kg by the end of the party season might be a realistic goal.

2. Eat before you go
Make sure you eat a healthy, filling meal or snack before you go to a party. Going to a party on an empty stomach is a bad idea! You are far more likely to be tempted by the high energy finger food if you arrive at the party hungry.

3. Go 1 for 1 with your drinks
If you are drinking alcohol aim for 1 glass of water for every 1 alcoholic drink. This will not only help you feel a whole lot better the following morning but also slow down your alcohol intake and reduce the total energy consumed.

4. Bring a plate
If it's a 'bring a dish' affair set the example for everyone else and bring a healthy option. I'm sure there will be other guests in attendance that will appreciate it also.

5. Host your own party
If you are the person in charge of catering you have complete control of the food options. Your healthy catering will be a refreshing change from the rest of the parties your guests would have been attending.

6. Know your weakness foods
Be aware of the foods that you just can't stop eating once you start - you probably know the foods I'm taking about. If you spot these at the party try to stay as far a way as possible.

7. Keep active
Your exercise program has never been more important than during the party season. Despite your best efforts you will consume more kilojoules during the Christmas and New Years period then any other time of year. It's important that you keep up your exercise to help control your overall 'energy in vs energy out' balance. Exercising may not result in weight loss during this party season, but achieving weight maintenance is a definite success at a time when you could easily be packing on the kilos.

8. Say "No"
Sometimes you just have to say it. If you feel rude saying it just say "I'm full and couldn't possibly eat any more as much as I would love to". If you are serious about keeping your eating on track you need to be able to say "No".

9. Miss a course
If your party is a sit down 4-5 course dinner, miss a course. Missing 1 course is not going to leave you hungry but it will leave you with less energy to burn off the following day. Just politely ask the wait staff to not serve up one of the courses.

10. Portion control
Alcoholic drinks and party foods are typically energy dense and provide very little if any nutritional benefit. A small portion of these foods can have a BIG impact on your energy intake. Drinking alcohol and eating finger foods in small servings is the best approach for preventing excessive energy intake.

It's important that you enjoy the party season, you've worked hard for it all year, you've earned it. Our favourite foods and drinks are how we celebrate and we shouldn't deny ourselves this pleasure. BUT, you can save yourself a whole lot of catching up in the new year and give yourself something else to celebrate by making a few good choices.

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