Monday, September 19, 2011

Drive Fitness Records (updated 19 September 2011)

Our Drive Fitness Records have been updated with our new Bridge to Brisbane record holders and results. Congratulations to Andrew & Emma for improving our best Bridge to Brisbane 10km times.

2 new records are up for grabs next month at our first ever Dead Lift Challenge on the 29 October. The Dead Lift Challenge will decide a MAX and RELATIVE dead lift Drive Fitness record. Talk to your trainer next session about challenging for the new dead lift records or one of our other Drive Fitness records listed below.

Test / Event
Bridge to Brisbane 10km
Andrew Hartung: 47:36min (2011)
Emma Waller: 49:37 (2011)
Beep Test
Jason Purcell: 12.0 (2009)
Rachel Dubois: 10.1 (2010)
50m Sprint
Mark Shellshear: 6.62sec (2010)
Cassie Tyler: 7.97sec (2009)
Max Bench Press
Emmanuel Polichronis: 140kg (2011)
Callie Conomos: 67.5kg (2011)
Relative Bench Press
Mitch Edwards: 1.525kg/kg bw (2011)
Angela Verner: 0.817kg/kg bw (2011)
Max Dead Lift
coming soon
Relative Dead Lift
coming soon
Max Chin Ups (1min)
Jason Purcell: 20 (2009)
Christina Willcox 5 (2009)
Max Push Ups (1min)
coming soon
Max Wall Sit
Andrew Ridgway: 5:43min (2010)
Michelle Foster: 6:30min (2011)

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