Sunday, November 11, 2012

Boot Camp Challenge Results: 10 November 2012

Wet conditions and an early Saturday morning start didn't deter our boot camp challenge participants on Saturday 10 November. The reigning defending boot camp challenge champions Holland Park were looking to extend their winning streak to 3 while Moorooka and Camp Hill both were hungry to claim the prestigious title of boot camp challenge champions.

The boot camp challenge has 3 scoring events:

Event 1 - 12min 4exercise x 5rep Circuit Relay: Weight Plate Over Head Press, Sand Bag Dead Lift,  Kettlebell Sumo Dead Lift High Pull, Sit Up. 1 point awarded for each round completed within the 12 minute time period. 

Camp Hill: 36, Moorooka: 50, Holland Park: 48

Event 2 - Medicine Ball Throw for Distance: Over Head Throw, Chest Pass, Backwards Over Head Throw. 3 points awarded for the longest throw, 2 for second longest and 1 for third longest. 

Camp Hill: 96, Moorooka: 95, Holland Park: 96

Event 3 - Prowler Push Relay. 1 point awarded for each complete shuttle prowler push where the allowed time was determined by how long it took the other boot camps to complete 20 burpess per person. 

Camp Hill: 9, Moorooka: 13, Holland Park: 8

Congratulations to the winning boot camp and NEW Boot Camp Challenge Champions MOOROOKA with a total score of 158, closely followed by Holland Park in 2nd place on 152 and Camp Hill in 3rd with 141. 

An honourable mention goes to Ross Woods for his horizontal dive finish in the dieing seconds of the prowler push relay. Unfortunately it didn't score a point but it was an impressive show of commitment none the less. 

For photos of the boot camp challenge check out our facebook page:

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