Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Run Club Update

A few upcoming event dates for those interested:
Bridge to Brisbane: 2 September 2012, click here to register!
Drive Fitness Trail Walk: 26 August 2012, click here for more info!
The Stampede: 8 September 2012, click here for more info!

Next week for run club we will be meeting at the Tarragindi studio for a 7.5km run to the top of Mt Gravatt Outlook. It will be great training for those looking to do the Bridge to Brisbane in less than 9 weeks time.

Run club results for June 30 below (7.5km Toohey Forest Loop):

Dave: 41:15
MarK: 44:10
Sam: 48:00 (6km turn around)
Brent: 42:48
John F: 46:55
Stewart: 49:51
Owen: 52:46
Patrice: 52:46
Simon: 43:30
Greg: 48:00
Howard: 48:28

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