Sunday, July 22, 2012

Run Club Update

Just another good reason to do interval training - it works us closer to our VO2 Max and therefore results in a greater afterburn effect. 

Great work with the intervals this morning everyone! No one particularly enjoys intervals but we all know they are good for us. Results below for Saturday 21 July 500m Hard Effort / 500m Recovery. 
Remember to wear your watch for interval training sessions so you can record your 500m splits. See you all next week at Tarragindi 7am for the Toohey Forest Loop (7.8km).

Grant: 5 (1:58, 2:07, 2:16, 2:13, - )
Mark B: 5
David: 5 (2:06. 2:02, 2:02, 1:58, 1:58)
Sam: 4
Matt L: 5
Alison: 5
Patrice: 4
Christina: 4
Ross: 4
Owen: 5
Tim: 5
Martin: 5

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