Wednesday, July 18, 2012

5 step plan for smart snacking

We all know (and dread) the feeling, the rumble in the tummy that signals 'snack time' and the unfortunate end to a perfect day of eating (so far). Those little cravings between meals have the power to turn an otherwise perfect diet into a weight loss nightmare if you are not prepared to deal with them. Smart snacking for effective weight loss and weight control requires an action plan. Cakes and biscuits in the staff lunch room, the left overs in the kid's lunch box and the chocolate you have stashed away are just a few of the potential pitfalls that threaten your weight loss goal. Here is an easy to understand 5 step plan for smart snacking to help you avoid the dangers of 'snack time'

If you find yourself uncontrollably snacking on foods with high energy, high fat and very little nutrition benefit between meals then this plan is for you! This 5 step plan for smart snacking allows but delays your 'empty energy treat' (a food with a lot of energy but very little nutrition benefit) with the aim to satisfy cravings with nutritious foods first. The goal of this plan is to avoid poor snack choices, satisfy hunger and achieve good nutrition at snack time.  

5 step plan for smart snacking
  1. 200ml of water 
  2. 1 small piece or 100g of fruit or 100g salad
  3. 30g of unroasted unsalted nuts or 1 boiled egg
  4. 100g of low fat, no added sugar yoghurt or 2 wholegrain crackers / wholegrain rice thins with 40g of low fat cottage cheese
  5. The food you are craving equivalent to ONLY 1 serve (300kj or less). 

How to apply the 5 step plan for smart snacking
  • You MUST complete the 5 steps in order and ONLY progress to the next step if you are still hungry. STOP when you feel satisfied.

  • Apply when you start to feel hungry - don't wait until it's too late to fight cravings. 

  • Thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger, the 200ml of water at step 1 aims to establish if you really need to snack.

  • Apply just before your normal morning and afternoon tea time when you know 'empty energy' snacks will be on offer.

  • If you are still hungry after step 5 you may need to improve your intake at main meals. 

  • Prepare snacks in advance so they are available. Without appropriate preparation the plan is useless. 

  • DO NOT exceed serving sizes, this includes step 5 too!

  • Apply multiple times per day as required - at both morning tea and afternoon tea for example. 

  • Alternate your snack choices throughout the day. For example if you had 30g of unsalted nuts at morning tea have 1 boiled egg at afternoon tea.

Please note that this is general nutrition advice and may or may not be suitable for you. If you are unsure or have a diet related condition please seek advice from a dietitian.

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personal training & group training in Brisbane

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