Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Walk & Run Club in 2012

I know you do too!
The last walk & run club session for the year will be meeting this Saturday 17 December at Drive Fitness Tarragindi at 7am.

2012 will see a few changes made to our walk & run club session format. We will be meeting at the same location for longer then 4 weeks so we have a chance to get to know some longer tracks. This will help to break the monotony of using laps like we did quite often during 2011. We will still use a lap format on occasions for time trials and intervals.

We will continue to mix things up using medium distance runs at moderate-high intensity (tempo training), short distance runs at high-very high intensity broken up with rest or periods of low intensity (interval training) and long distance runs at moderate intensity (continuous training).

We have two running events scheduled for 2012 already - the Twilight Run in March and the Bridge to Brisbane in late August / early September. We would like to see YOU at the walk & run club in 2012, returning Saturday 14 January at Drive Fitness Tarragindi at 7am. Remember, the Drive Fitness walk & run club is a FREE session for all Drive Fitness people! For more information please email David (dave@drivefitness.net).

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