Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kokoda Challenge Brisbane - Registration Closes May 2

The closing date for the Kokoda Challenge Brisbane has been announced -2nd May 2011. It is our understanding that they have had to cap participants in previous Kokoda Challenge events so we encourage you to register as soon as possible if you are interested.

You can go ahead and register yourself and your team if you already have a team together. If you would like us to put you in one of our teams of up to 4 people of a similar fitness level please talk to your trainer during your next session or contact us on phone or email. If you are registering your own team and you would like to show that you are forming a team from Drive Fitness please feel welcome to use Drive Fitness in your team name. Please let us know your team name once you register so we can acknowledge you!

We would like to have as many teams entered as possible. It is a great fitness challenge and it helps to raise money for a good cause. For registration and more information visit the Kokoda Challenge Brisbane website:

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