Sunday, April 3, 2011

2011 Bench Press Challenge Recap

Well done to everyone who participated in the 2011 Bench Press Challenge. For most people it is a big step out of their comfort zone to participate in an event like this and from the whole Drive Fitness team we applaud your great efforts in training and on event day. Everyone handled the extra pressure of the day very well and some were even able to use the encouraging atmosphere to achieve personal best lifts.

The event ran over time due to the large number of participants and the Seven Hills studio was barely big enough to contain the number of participants, family and friends and even random passersby who stopped in for a look. With the original plan being for the ladies lifting to finish by 10am it was clear early that the near 40 female participants would need longer. With amazing encouragement from all ladies in attendance the nervousness for most participants disappeared and they were able to perform comfortably.

The lady's presentation ceremony had to be cut short to make way for the men's event which was already delayed 30mins! With a higher sense of competitiveness in the room (as to be expected) but with equal encouragement and support from everyone in attendance the men's event had a great atmosphere.

The 2011 Bench Press Challenge had some great results. The lady's division was won by the same winner as in 2010 but both 2nd and 3rd places were taken by new comers to podium finishing positions. The long standing Drive Fitness Hall of Fame relative score was broken by this years winner! We also have a  new Drive Fitness Hall of Fame record for the biggest lady's lift.

Lady's Places:
  1. Angela Verner (lifting 57.5kg with a relative score of 0.817 & new Hall of Fame record)
  2. Bec Blemings (lifting 42.5 with a relative score of 0.802)
  3. Amanda Cook (lifting 45kg with a relative score of 0.794)
Biggest lift went to Callie Conomos with a huge 67.5kg lift and new Hall of Fame record.

The Men's division also had amazing results with all records broken. For the first time in 4 years we saw a new winner in the men's division who also broke the relative score Hall of Fame record. 2nd and 3rd places were taken by the same participants as in 2010. We also saw the biggest lift in the event's 4 year history in the men's division taking the Hall of Fame record.

Men's Places:
  1. Mitch Edwards (lifting 132.5kg with a relative score of 1.525 & new Hall of Fame record)
  2. Ben Blemings (lifting 100kg with a relative score of 1.439)
  3. Mark Shellshear (lifting 90kg with a relative score of 1.294)
Biggest Lift: Emmanuel Polichronis lifting 140kg and breaking the Hall of Fame record

Numbers proved to be the key to team success with Team Lisa winning the lady's title and Team Dave winning men's - both of these teams presented with the largest number of participants in their respective divisions. Team Tim had a strong showing taking 2nd place in both the lady's and men's division. Team Jared & Theo were unable to place in either the men's or the lady's and will no doubt look for a greater showing in participation for next year to level the team playing field.

This year was without a doubt the most competitive and exciting Bench Press Challenge in its 4 year history. A full list of results will be posted up on the notice board in your Drive Fitness studio during the week and photos will soon be available. Thank you again for your participation and we look forward to improving the event next year as we cater for more and more participants. The possibility of two bench presses operating simultaneously and holding the event at an outdoor venue are already being discussed in preparation for next year.

Time for a change in training goals as we move forward onto new things - until next year's Bench Press Challenge!

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