Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Last Week to Enter the Bench Press Challenge

With the 4th annual Drive Fitness Bench Press Challenge only just around the corner pressure is starting to build between both trainers and participants in the Drive Fitness training studios. Saturday the 2nd of April will see over 50 participants take to the flat bench for the greatest test of chest, shoulder and tricep strength - the BENCH PRESS.

If you have not already joined your personal trainer's bench press team you are running out of time. Entries close this coming Friday (25 February). Everyone that enters helps to accumulate points for their personal trainer's team.

All Drive Fitness clients are welcome to participate in the Bench Press Challenge and we hope to see as many people there as possible.Morning tea and medal presentations all take place on the day. For more information please take a flyer from your Drive Fitness training studio or chat to your trainer.

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