Monday, March 18, 2013

Join Our Tough Mudder Team!

The Drive Fitness Tough Mudder Team now has 24 members!
Join our Tough Mudder team before it's too late. If you don't register soon you risk missing out completely and the registration price incrementally increases as we get closer to the event. The price jumps again on 4 April so get in before then!

As we get closer to the event we will be introducing Tough Mudder Team ONLY boot camp sessions to help everyone prepare. Between now and then our regular boot camps and personal training sessions continue to provide a great training platform for Tough Mudder preparation.

Registration Instructions!
  1. Click this link:
  2. Search for the 'Drive Fitness Tough Mudders' team
  3. Click 'JOIN' on the 'Drive Fitness Touch Mudders' team
  4. Enter the team password 'drivefitness'
  5. Follow the prompts to complete registration
Contact David ( if you have any questions about the event or team registration.

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