Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Drive Fitness Team Twilight Run Results

Congratulations to the Drive Fitness Team for completing the Brisbane Twilight Run on Sunday 24 March. Our 10km team came 10th & our  5km team can 17th out of 26 teams - well done! A special congratulations to those of you who achieved your goal, whether it be just finishing. beating last year's time or setting a new personal best.

It was the most crazy fun run I have ever participated in, I think everyone who was there would say the same. Despite the wild weather all Drive Fitness team members made it safely to the finish line but I think it's fair to say that conditions were not ideal for setting personal records.

Running in heavy rain & strong winds with water up to ankles in some parts whilst dodging falling branches resembled more of a 'Tough Mudder' event than a fun run - for those of you in our Tough Mudder team, consider it preparation for August!

Official Brisbane Twilight Run times can be looked up here: http://www.racetecresults.com/results.aspx?CId=16287&RId=35.We are now looking ahead to Bridge to Brisbane in August/ September for our next Drive Fitness fun run team entry, keep up your training!

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