Sunday, January 6, 2013

Boot Camp is BACK!

Drive Fitness Boot Camps return this week! Camp Hill starts back on Monday 7 JanuaryHolland Park and Moorooka both return on Tuesday 8 January.

Upcoming Events in 2013

We have a very full 2013 calendar of fitness events including Boot Camp Challenge, Indoor Rowing Challenge, Twilight Run, Tough Mudder, Bench Press Challenge & more. Get started with boot camp NOW to begin your preparation!

NEW Saturday Session

From Saturday 26 January we will introduce a permanent boot camp session at our Holland Park location 6:30-7:30am. Due to the popularity of this session during the weigh loss challenge please let us know if you would like to register. This session is available to all boot campers (from all locations) and sessions will come off your ongoing boot camp pack as per normal.

If you would like to join our Saturday session email

The updated Drive Fitness Boot Camp schedule

Camp Hill @ Perth Park, Perth St: Monday & Wednesday 5:30-6:30am

Holland Park @ Glindemann Park, Logan Rd: Tuesday & Thuresday 5:30-6:30am, Saturday 6:30-7:30am

Moorooka @ Pegg's Park, Koala Rd: Tuesday & Thuresday 5:30-6:30am

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