Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Trail Walk Re-Cap From Sunday 26 August

On Sunday we had a crew of 12 members and friends join us for our inaugural trailwalk at Binna Burra on the Gold Coast hinterland.

Most tackled the undulating 12 kilometre course with trainers Nathan and Jared. This was made even more eventful with the inclusion of timed 5 minute log carry challenges! Well done to all hikers who passed this challenge wth flying colours. Some members of this walk decided to continue on and also trekked down to Kweenbani caves to give themselves even more of a workout.

Other brave souls tackled the 17 kilometre track, lead by perennial Drive fitness hiker Alan Currie (a big thanks for this Al). By all accounts a cracking pace was set with this group and all members returned fatigued but smiling.

The track provided some amazing scenery with Coomera falls providing the highlight of our trail walking at the rest and turn around point for the 12 km hikers. It is a south Queensland sight that is well worth seeing.

Stay tuned for our next trailwalk in upcoming months.

We'll look forward to seeing you there.

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