Tuesday, August 7, 2012

8 Week Weight Loss Challenge!

Do you need some extra motivation to kick start your weight loss?

The Drive Fitness 8 Week Weight Loss Challenge is coming!

It's easy! Simply weigh in with your trainer every week for 8 weeks during your personal training sessions and achieve the greatest % of weight loss possible! No extra costs & nothing to lose EXCEPT weight! 

Prizes to be won, FREE group boot camp sessions every Saturday for Weight Loss Challenge participants ONLY & nutrition seminars from a Dietitian. All this just to help YOU lose weight! Everyone must attend a minimum of 1 personal training session every week for weigh in. 

Starting Monday 10 September (first weigh in & before photo between Monday 10 - Friday 14 September) and finishing with announcement of the winner and prize presentation at the Christmas Party on Friday 2 November (last weigh in and after photo between Monday 29 - Friday 2 November). 

Chat to your trainer next session or contact David on 0402 358 127 or dave@drivefitness.net to find out more!

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