Monday, June 4, 2012

Dumbbell training: intermediate workout

This intermediate workout introduces a change in session format and 5 new dumbbell exercises. It's great for strength, general fitness and weight loss / weight control and provides a tough challenge no matter how fit or strong you are. This Intermediate workout is the perfect progression after you have mastered our 2 basic dumbbell workouts. Check it out...

These 5 dumbbell exercises are all variations or components of the dumbbell clean and press movement. They require that you have developed your technique, fitness, strength, core strength and joint stability with the fundamental exercises in 'Dumbbell training: basic workout 1' & 'Dumbbell training: basic workout 2'. Remember that this article is not a suitable substitute for technique coaching from a personal trainer. Develop your technique in your personal training sessions with supervision before including this workout in your home / outside of personal training routine.

  • Dumbbell Dead Lift

  •  Dumbbell Power Clean

  •  Dumbbell Squat

  • Dumbbell Push Press
  • Dumbbell Squat Press

  • 5 minutes of moderate intensity walking, running, skipping, cycling or rowing followed by dynamic stretching for all major muscle groups.
  • Complete exercises in the order outlined below for 3 sets of 3 reps (round 1), followed by 3 sets of 2 reps (round 2) and followed by 3 sets of 1 rep (round 3). Complete rounds  as continuously as possible and include 2 minutes of moderate-high intensity walking, running, skipping, cycling, rowing following each round. Use a weight that is achievable for the set number of reps and sets but is heavy enough to make it challenging. Adjust weight for each round if required but don't change the weight during rounds - you must use the same weight for all exercises, sets and reps in a round. 
    • dumbbell dead lift
    • dumbbell power clean
    • dumbbell squat
    • dumbbell push press
    • dumbbell squat press
  • 5 minutes of moderate intensity walking, running, skipping, cycling or rowing followed by static stretching for all major muscle groups.

Progression & Variety
As your technique, strength and fitness improves you can progress this workout in three ways: (1) increase the weight of the dumbbells, (2) increase the intensity of the intervals between your dumbbell sets and (3) reduce the amount of rest.

Your main training goal will determine the type of progression to apply.
  • If your main goal is strength progress by increasing the weight of the dumbbells.
  • If your main goal is fitness progress by increasing the intensity of the intervals between your dumbbell sets  and by reducing the amount of rest.
  • If your main goal is weight control and/or both strength and fitness use a combination of  these progression techniques

When you feel comfortable with the exercises in this workout you can progress to more advanced exercises (next workout progression coming soon). Alternate between the different dumbbell workouts in your training program to add variety. Our other dumbbell workouts include: 'Dumbbell training: basic workout 1' & 'Dumbbell training: basic workout 2'.

Allow a minimum of one rest day before repeating this workout and preferably allow for muscle soreness to settle. Use stretching and foam roller self massage to aid recovery and improve flexibility.

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