Monday, April 29, 2013

Trail Walk Re-Cap From Sunday 28 April

30 trail walkers from Drive Fitness meet at Silky Oaks Picnic area at Mt Cootha to tackle a fun but challenging trail walk on Sunday 28 April.

We trekked along the Powerful Owl Trail to Channel 9, then down the Kokoda Track to the Gap Creek Reserve where we stopped for a five minute rest and refuelling break. We then returned via the same tracks. It was a testing experience, made all the more challenging by log carrying, the wearing of weighted vests and push ups, pull ups and dips along the way!

Well done to everyone who came along for the trek. A special thanks to Alan, Emily and Jared for their assistance on the day. The feedback has been excellent and many requests for the next Drive fitness trail walk have already been made. 

Stay tuned to our blog, facebook & twitter for more information about Drive Fitness trail walks and other events! We look forward to seeing you at the next one and seeing our trail walking group grow.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Run Club Update

Toohey Forest Loop results (Saturday 20 April)
  • David E: 38:29
  • Simon: 40:12
  • John M: 44:06
  • Greg: 40:00
  • David Mc: 38:02

Upcoming Run Club Events

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Drive Fitness Sponsored Formula Ford Series Car

Drive Fitness Trail Walk This Sunday 28 April - Join Us!

The first Drive Fitness trail walk for 2013 meets this Saturday at Mt Cootha. Contact Nathan on 0413 506 828 to let us know you are coming.

When is it?
Sunday 28th April. We will be meeting 9:30am sharp!

Where do we meet?
Silky Oaks Picnic Area Car Park, Mt Cootha.

What is it?
A moderately challenging 8-10km trek through scenic terrain taking approximately 3.5 to 4.5 hours.

What should I bring?
Any food that you wish to eat, plenty of water, sunscreen & mobile phone.

Who can come along?
Anyone that trains at Drive Fitness and their family & friends.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Boot Camp Challenge April 2013 Results

Drive Fitness Boot Camp teams went head to head on Saturday morning to determine the boot camp challenge champions. Team events using a combination of everyone's 'favourite' boot camp exercises were scored. It was a great morning! Event details and results below.

Event 1: Prowler Push Relay
1 point awarded for each shuttle prowler push completed where the time allowed was determined by the time it took for each team member of the opposing teams to finish 25 burpees. This event was a 'popular' one last boot camp challenge so we took it a step further by increasing the burpees by 5 (from 20 to 25) and by introducing the harder, lower prowler handle.

Camp Hill: 13, Holland Park: 13, Moorooka: 10

Event 2: Kettlebell Rob The Nest 
1 point awarded for every kg of kettlebell weight in a team's home base when the time expired. Over 20 kettlebells first of all had to be transported from the middle to team bases, after all kettlebells had been taken from the middle teams could then steal from each other's home base. The issues of 'teaming up' & scoring has been raised following this event and we will be bringing this one back as the first event next boot camp challenge with revised rules & scoring to settle it once and for all!

Camp Hill: 396, Holland Park: 324, Moorooka: 430

Event 3: 4 Exercise Team Circuit
1 point awarded for each round of the circuit completed where team members could not move on to the next exercise until the team member in front had moved on. Each round included 10 reps of kettlebell high pulls, push ups, medicine ball slams and sit ups followed by a drop to the ground and sprint to finish. This style of circuit has become  expected at boot camp challenges.

Camp Hill: 33, Holland Park: 34, Moorooka: 32

Final scores, in 1st place Moorooka on 472, followed by Camp Hill in 2nd place on 442 and Holland Park in 3rd place on 371. 
Congratulations to the defending boot camp challenge champions Moorooka on their fist successful title defence.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Weight Loss Tip: Spread Out Your Carbohydrate Intake During the Day

One of the first things I tell my clients (after I explain what carbohydrate is and where it comes from)  is to spread out their carbohydrate intake as evenly as possible throughout the day. Instead of 2-3 large servings of carbohydrate, aiming to eat every 2-4 hours and including a small amount of unprocessed / minimally processed carbohydrate is preferred. Why is this better? For a number of reasons all great for weight loss. Let me explain...

5 Ways to Manage Your Fear of Sweating

The fear of sweating 'too much' during exercise is a surprisingly common concern. Some sweat a lot, some hardly sweat at all & some people don't mind being covered in sweat while others find the thought very uncomfortable - to the point that exercise is avoided completely.  I get it, it's not particularly attractive (although some may disagree), but it is a part of exercising and something that needs to be managed if it's a concern. I have touched on this topic before but in too much detail (as I tend to do) so I am throwing it out quickly - 5 ways to manage your fear of sweating during exercise.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bench Press Challenge: Saturday 25 May - Time to Start Preparing

The Bench Press Challenge is the longest running Drive Fitness event, first introduced in 2008! It becomes more & more popular with every year reaching over 50 participants in 2012. Join us for the 6th Annual Bench Press Challenge this coming May - everyone that trains at Drive Fitness is welcome, all fitness levels & training experience!

What is it anyway?
A chance for you to test your strength and achieve 'your' personal best bench press. It's a great way to monitor your strength results and a useful motivational tool to help your training. You will be amazed at how helpful the support from others on the day will be - we consistently see personal best lifts achieved at the Bench Press Challenge.

When is it?
Saturday 25 May starting at 6:30am sharp.

Where is it?
It's returning to the Tarragindi studio for the first time since 2008: Shop 5 / 19 Kuring Gai Ave, Tarragindi.

Any more questions?
Chat to your trainer or email for more information.

Run Club Update

Toohey Forest Loop results (Saturday 6 April)

  • David: 39:37
  • Grant: 42:24
  • John M: 42:10
  • Howard: 52:18
  • Stewart: 51:22
  • Andy: 39:41
  • Simon: 40:16
  • David Mc: 39:09
  • Julia: 43:01
  • Margie: 58:03 (Ring Rd turnaround)
  • Patrice: 58:03 (Ring Rd turnaround)

Toohey Forest Loop results (Saturday 13 April)

  • No results due to wet weather

Upcoming Run Club Events

Boot Camp Challenge This Saturday

This Saturday 20 April the Boot Camp Challenge Champions will be crowned!

Camp Hill vs Holland Park vs Moorooka

Join the fun & represent your boot camp team this Saturday in team fitness challenges followed by a quick morning tea.

The reigning, defending Boot Camp Champions Moorooka will put their title on the line for the first time in 2013 on Saturday 20 April. The former champions Holland Park will be looking to regain the gold & Camp Hill will once again be chasing their first boot camp challenge win. Don't miss out on the chance to represent your boot camp team. Full details below...

What is it?
A fun, friendly competition where your 'favourite' boot camp exercises are combined into team fitness challenges. Events will be scored and a winning boot camp team will be decided. 

Who can participate?
All Drive Fitness boot campers from Holland Park, Moorooka & Camp Hill. Join in and represent your boot camp team! There is a scoring advantage to having more numbers so get involved and help your team out. 

When is it?
Saturday 20 April starting at 6:30am and wrapping up by 7:30am including morning tea and presentation. 

Where is it?
Glindemann Park, Logan Rd, Holland Park (Holland Park Boot Camp Location).

Monday, April 15, 2013

Join the Drive Fitness Tough Mudder Team

The Drive Fitness Tough Mudder Team is now 35 strong & Counting...

Join our Tough Mudder team TODAY! The price increases incrementally as the event gets closer. Get in as soon as possible to get the best price. 

6-8 weeks out from Tough Mudder we will be introducing Tough Mudder Team ONLY boot camp sessions. Between now and then our regular boot camp and personal training sessions continue to provide great Tough Mudder preparation. Full event details below.

The event location has been confirmed for End of Racecourse Rd, Caloundra Downs, Sunshine Coast. 

The Drive Fitness team is booked for Saturday 17 August 2013. 

The Drive Fitness team has put in a preference for the 9am time slot. This will be confirmed by Tough Mudder closer to the event.

Registration Instructions!

  1. Click this link:
  2. Search for the 'Drive Fitness Tough Mudders' team
  3. Click 'JOIN' on the 'Drive Fitness Touch Mudders' team
  4. Enter the team password 'drivefitness'
  5. Follow the prompts to complete registration
Contact David ( if you have any questions about the event or team registration.

Bridge To Brisbane Date Announced: Sunday 1 September 2013

Drive Fitness had the biggest team from any gym or personal training studio in the 2012 10km event! Let's do it again in 2013.

Stay tuned for more details about the event & the Drive Fitness team as we get closer.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Get Ready! Boot Camp Challenge Is Coming: 20 April

Camp Hill vs Holland Park vs Moorooka

Who will take the title of Drive Fitness Boot Camp Champions?

The reigning, defending Boot Camp Champions Moorooka will put their title on the line for the first time in 2013 on Saturday 20 April. The former champions Holland Park will be looking to regain the gold & Camp Hill will once again be chasing their first boot camp challenge win. Don't miss out on the chance to represent your boot camp team. Full details below...

What is it?
A fun, friendly competition where your 'favourite' boot camp exercises are combined into team fitness challenges. Events will be scored and a winning boot camp team will be decided. 

Who can participate?
All Drive Fitness boot campers from Holland Park, Moorooka & Camp Hill. Join in and represent your boot camp team! There is a scoring advantage to having more numbers so get involved and help your team out. 

When is it?
Saturday 20 April starting at 6:30am and wrapping up by 7:30am including morning tea and presentation. 

Where is it?
Glindemann Park, Logan Rd, Holland Park (Holland Park Boot Camp Location).

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Changes to Trail Walk Location: Sunday 28 April

The first Drive Fitness trail walk for 2013 will now take place on 28 April at Mt Cootha.

Our original trekking plans through Springbrook National Park have changed due to track closures. The heavy rainfall and winds earlier in the year have forced these closures. We look forward to returning to Springbrook later in the year for our 2nd Drive Fitness trail walk.

Instead we will be trekking at Mt Cootha meeting at the Silky Oaks Picnic area and travelling along the Powerful Owl Track, onto the Kokoda Track then over to The Gap Creek Reserve Picnic Area and back. 

It's approximately 8-10km & moderately challenging. It's suitable for all levels of fitness so feel free to invite your family members and friends along with you.

Sunday 28th April.

What time does it start?
We will be meeting 9:30am sharp!

Where do we meet?
Silky Oaks Picnic Area Car Park, Mt Cootha. 

What will we be doing?
Trecking a moderately challenging 8-10km through scenic terrain taking approximately 3.5 to 4.5 hours

What should I bring?
Any food that you wish to eat, plenty of water, sunscreen & mobile phone.

Who can come along?
Anyone that trains at Drive Fitness and their family & friends.

Hoodie Orders Due TOMORROW - Don't Miss Out!

Drive Fitness hoodie orders are due TOMORROW - Don't miss out! 

Please place your order by emailing David at and specifying your size & colour. Size & colour details below.

Hoodies are only $42.00. They are comfortable for training (while warming up) & for day to day wear. We had over 40 hoodies ordered last year and the feedback was excellent. 


This year we have 3 colours available - azure, grey & charcoal (see below). The Drive Fitness logo is printed on the front (as above).

Measure loosely around widest part of chest and divide in half. 

8: Half Chest 48cm
10: Half Chest 50cm
12: Half Chest 52cm
14: Half Chest 55cm
16: Half Chest 57cm

S: Half Chest 59cm
M: Half Chest 61cm
L: Half Chest 63cm
XL: Half Chest 65cm
2XL: Half Chest 67cm

Friday, April 5, 2013

Check Out Drive Fitness Sponsored Callan Sayer's Formula Ford Car

Drive Fitness sponsored Callan Sayers is racing today in Tasmania in Round One of the Australian Formula Ford Championship. Check out photos of the car below!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Drive Fitness Hoodie Orders Due 10 April

Drive Fitness hoodie orders are due by next Wednesday 10 April. 

We only place one hoodie order so don't miss out - please order by emailing David at and specifying your size & colour. Size & colour details below.

Hoodies are only $42.00. They are comfortable for training (while warming up) or for day to day wear. We had over 40 hoodies ordered last year and all the feedback was excellent. 


This year we have 3 colours available - azure, grey & charcoal (see below). The Drive Fitness logo is printed on the front (as above).

Measure loosely around widest part of chest and divide in half. 

8: Half Chest 48cm
10: Half Chest 50cm
12: Half Chest 52cm
14: Half Chest 55cm
16: Half Chest 57cm

S: Half Chest 59cm
M: Half Chest 61cm
L: Half Chest 63cm
XL: Half Chest 65cm
2XL: Half Chest 67cm