Saturday, June 11, 2011

Introducing Drive Fitness Bridge to Brisbane Training Program

With Bridge to Brisbane closing in quickly it is important that we begin to train! We will all enjoy this years event so much more if we prepare for it properly.

Drive Fitness will be making two 12 week training programs available leading up to this years Bridge to Brisbane event. You can choose which program is most suitable for you based on your Bridge to Brisbane goal and your present level of fitness. The first program (Drive walkers / joggers) is designed for those people that are looking to walk parts of the event. If you think you will either walk the whole 10km or alternate between walking and jogging  than this program is for you. The second program (Drive runners) is designed for those people that are looking to run the whole 10km.

Since we all maintain a base level of fitness through personal training, boot camp, ladies circuit and walk & run club sessions this program is really just a kick up in gear in preparation for the demands of the 10km distance. We have designed our training programs with your time restrictions in mind to help it work as easily as possible into your busy week. We have kept it to 3 walking/running sessions per week none of which exceed 60min in duration. This has been done deliberately to work in well around your other training sessions and other commitments outside of training. The Saturday walk & run club session will make up one of the 3 training sessions each week, leaving you with only 2 to self motivate and fit in your own time.

The 3 training sessions should be completed in the order in which they are listed. There are no set days to complete the training sessions since we all have different commitments on different days but try to allow one rest day or XT day in between each of the 3 walking/running sessions. Before you commence a walking/running program it is important that you have an appropriate pair of running shoes and you have any injuries checked out in advance.

The Drive Fitness 12 week training programs include a number of different training sessions. These different session types are  introduced below:
  • Continuous Training (CT): CT involves setting an easy to moderate pace that you can maintain for the designated duration. Ideally you would like to set a pace that you can maintain reasonably consistent throughout the duration without too much variance in speed. 
  • Tempo Training: Tempo sessions are shorter in duration than CT and involve setting a moderate - hard pace equal to, or slightly faster than the pace you intend to set for the 10km event. A warm up and cool down of at least 5 minutes at an easy- moderate pace is necessary before commencing the moderate-hard part of the session. Similar to CT, the moderate-hard pace should remain as consistent as possible for the set duration. 
  • Interval Training (IT): IT involves short bursts at a hard pace followed by periods at an easy pace for recovery. The hard pace set during the intervals need to be faster than the pace you intend to set for the 10km Bridge to Brisbane. 
  • Cross Training (XT): XT involves all other types of training outside of running. This can include other types of cardio exercise such as swimming or riding and it also includes weight training. Strength, power and flexibility are great fitness components to develop along with your endurance as you train for the Bridge to Brisbane. XT can also assist with recovery throughout your training week. These session include your personal training, boot camp and ladies circuit sessions. 

We will also refer to a 3 different paces throughout the training program. these are introduced below:
  • Easy: Working comfortably enough that you could hold conversation if required. It should not be easy to hold a conversation at this pace but you could if you had to. For those people looking to walk/jog the event an easy pace might be a medium-fast paced walk depending on your fitness. For those people looking to run the whole event an easy pace might be a slow to medium paced jog depending on your fitness. 
  • Moderate: Working at a pace where you could not hold a conversation but could respond with short answer if asked a question. It should be uncomfortable to talk while maintaining this pace. For those people looking to walk/jog the event a moderate pace might be a fast walk or a slow jog/shuffle depending on your fitness. For those people looking to run the whole event a moderate pace might be a medium-fast paced jog depending on your fitness. 
  • Hard: Shouldn't be able to talk at this pace at all. Breathing should be too heavy for you to be able to answer if asked a question. For those people looking to walk/jog the event a hard pace might be a slow jog/shuffle - medium paced jog depending on your fitness. For those people looking to run the whole event a hard pace might be a fast jog or a pace close to sprinting depending on your fitness. 

    The 12 week training program weeks are outlined below, and the first week of sessions will be made available before 20 June. If you have any questions about this program please have a chat to your trainer or contact us at
    • Week 1: 20-26 June
    • Week 2: 27-3 July
    • Week 3: 4-10 July
    • Week 4: 11-17 July
    • Week 5: 18-24 July
    • Week 6: 25-31 July
    • Week 7: 1-7 August
    • Week 8: 8-14 August
    • Week 9: 15-21 August
    • Week 10: 22-28 August
    • Week 11: 29-4 September
    • Week 12: 5-11 September (race week)

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